
09/04/2024: RMA Webinar on wall conditioning and TOMAS device

On Tuesday April 9, 2024, from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., a new conference will take place, organized by the Royal Military Academy: Wall conditioning studies for nuclear fusion research using flexible experimental environment of the TOMAS device by Dr Kristel Crombé & Dr Andrei Goriaev. The abstract and the link to the video on […]

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Website update: new page on the TOMAS project

TOMAS is a middle-size toroidal machine in Forschungszentrum-Jülich (Germany) equipped with  GD, ECRF, and ICRF heating systems, various diagnostics and material exposure equipment. It allows for wall conditioning, plasma production, and plasma-surface interaction studies. It is operated by a team from the LPP. More details here.

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