Jef Ongena’s personal page

Dr. Jozef Ongena

Research Director
Office D/1/10.33

List of publications

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N. Schoon; J. Ongena; G. Van Oost; J Schwartz; G. Telesca; A Cosler

Measurement of the Bremsstrahlung radiation in the visible and determination of Zeff on TEXTOR Technical Report

LPP-ERM/KMS no. 92, 1990.

G. Telesca; J. Ongena; G. Van Oost

Doppler shift measurement of impurity lines in the UV range on TEXTOR Technical Report

LPP-ERM/KMS no. 91, 1990.

H Conrads; M. Gaigneaux; A. Messiaen; J. Ongena; R. R. Weynants; G Bertschinger; J M Beuken; P Cornelissen; Th. Delvigne; F. Durodié; H G Esser; H Euringer; G Fuchs; B Giesen; B Börg; D Hillis; F Hoenen; P Hütteman; M. Jadoul; R. Koch; H Kever; M Korten; W Kohlhaas; D. Lebeau; M Lochter; Th. Oyevaar; D Reiter; D Rusbüldt; M Sauer; J Schlüter; H Soltwisch; M Storch; G. Telesca; R Uhlemann; A A E Van Bockland; P. Vandenplas; R. Van Nieuwenhove; G. Van Oost; G. Van Wassenhove; G Waidmann; J G Wang; J Winter; G Wolf; J W Yang

Synergetic effects of combined NBI-Co injection with ICRH and NBI-counter injection in TEXTOR Journal Article

In: Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion, vol. 1, pp. 403-410, 1990, (13th International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research, Washington, IAEA-CN-53/A-5-6, 1-6 October 1990).

A. Messiaen; H Conrads; M. Gaigneaux; J. Ongena; R. R. Weynants; G Bertschinger; J M Beuken; P Cornelissen; Th. Delvigne; F. Durodié; H G Esser; H Euringer; G Fuchs; B Giesen; B Görg; D Hillis; F Hoenen; P Hütteman; M. Jadoul; R. Koch; H Kever; M Korten; W Kohlhaas; D. Lebeau; M Lochter; D Reiter; D Rusbüldt; M Sauer; J Schlüter; H Soltwisch; M Storch; G. Telesca; R Uhlemann; P. Vandenplas; R. Van Nieuwenhove; G. Van Oost; G. Van Wassenhove; G Waidmann; J G Wang; J Winter; G H Wolf; J W Yang

High power ICRH and NB heating results in TEXTOR Journal Article

In: Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion, vol. 32, no. 11, pp. 889-902, 1990.

J. Ongena; R. R. Weynants; H Conrads; P Cornelissen; H Kever; A. Messiaen

Stabilization of sawtooth oscillations by trapped energetic particles in TEXTOR Proceedings Article

In: Europhysics Conference Abstracts, Vol. 14B, pp. 383-386, 17th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Heating Amsterdam, 1990.

J. Ongena; N. Schoon; G. Van Oost; J Schwarz; G. Telesca

Visible bremsstrahlung measurements on TEXTOR for the determination of Zeff under different discharge and heating conditions Proceedings Article

In: Europhysics Conference Abstracts, Vol. 14B, pp. 1532-1535, 17th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Heating Amsterdam, 1990.

G. Van Wassenhove; Th. Delvigne; F Hoenen; A. Messiaen; J. Ongena; R. R. Weynants; J W Yang

Study of the neutron yield behaviour in combined ICRH and NBI heated discharges on TEXTOR Proceedings Article

In: Europhysics Conference Abstracts, Vol. 14B, pp. 1040-1043, 17th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Heating Amsterdam, 1990.


R. R. Weynants; J M Beuken; L De Keyser; Th. Delvigne; P. Descamps; F. Durodié; M. Gaigneaux; M. Jadoul; R. Koch; D. Lebeau; A. Messiaen; J. Ongena; X M Shen; P. Vandenplas; D. Van Eester; R. Van Nieuwenhove; G. Van Oost; G. Van Wassenhove; G Bertschinger; P Bogen; Y Cao; H Conrads; K H Dippel; H G Esser; K Finken; G Fuchs; B Giesen; E Graffmann; H Hartwig; E Hintz; F Hoenen; K Hoethker; B Kardon; L Koenen; M Korten; Y T Lie; A Pospieszczyk; D Rusbueldt; U Samm; J Schlueter; B Schweer; H Soltwisch; F Waelbroeck; G Waidmann; P Wienhold; J Winter; G H Wolf; R Conn; W J Corbett; D M Goebel

Heating and confinement studies with low field side ICRH in TEXTOR Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings, pp. 571-582, 12th International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research Nice (France), 1989.

A. Messiaen; J M Beuken; L De Keyser; Th. Delvigne; P. Descamps; F. Durodié; M. Gaigneaux; M. Jadoul; R. Koch; D. Lebeau; J. Ongena; X M Shen; P. Vandenplas; R. Van Nieuwenhove; G. Van Oost; G. Van Wassenhove; R. R. Weynants; T Banno; G Bertschinger; P Bogen; Y Cao; H Conrads; K H Dippel; H G Esser; K Finken; G Fuchs; B Giesen; E Graffmann; H Hartwig; E Hintz; F Hoenen; K Hoethker; N Kardon; L Koenen; M Korten; Y T Lie; V Philipps; A Pospieszczyk; D Rusbueldt; U Samm; J Schlueter; B Schweer; H Soltwisch; R Conn; W J Corbett; D M Goebel

Effect of antenna phasing and wall conditioning on ICRH in TEXTOR Journal Article

In: Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion, vol. 31, pp. 921-939, 1989.

A. Messiaen; M. Gaigneaux; J. Ongena; P. Vandenplas; G. Van Wassenhove; R. R. Weynants; J M Beuken; Th. Delvigne; P. Descamps; F. Durodié; M. Jadoul; R. Koch; D. Lebeau; X M Shen; S Hinohara; D. Van Eester; R. Van Nieuwenhove; G. Van Oost; H Conrads; H Euringer; F Hoenen; M Lochter; H Kever; R Uhlemann; G Wang; G Bertschinger; P Bogen; K H Dippel; H G Esser; K Finken; E Graffmann; H Hartwig; E Hintz; K Hoethker; B Kardon; L Koenen; M Korten; Y T Lie; R Moyer; A Pospieszczyck; D Reiter; D Rusbueldt; U Samm; J Schlueter; B Schweer; H Soltwisch; F Waelbroeck; G Waidmann; P Wienhold; J Winter; G H Wolf

Preliminary results of combined ICRF-NBI heating in TEXTOR Proceedings Article

In: AIP Conference Proceedings Proceedings 190, pp. 362-365, Radio-Frequency Power in Plasmas, 8th Topical conference Irvine (USA), 1989.


F. Durodié; Th. Delvigne; P. Descamps; R. Koch; A. Messiaen; J. Ongena; P. Vandenplas; R. Van Nieuwenhove; G. Van Oost; X M Shen; R. R. Weynants; P Huetteman; W Kohlhaas; C Stickelmann; B Brandt; A Cosler

Installation, testing and first results of TEXTOR's new ICRH system Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings, pp. 464-468, 15th Symposium on Fusion Technology Utrecht (the Netherlands), 1988.

J M Beuken; L De Keyser; Th. Delvigne; P. Descamps; F. Durodié; M. Gaigneaux; M. Jadoul; R. Koch; D. Lebeau; A. Messiaen; J. Ongena; X M Shen; P. Vandenplas; R. Van Nieuwenhove; G. Van Oost; G. Van Wassenhove; R. R. Weynants

Comparison of ICRH heating scenarii and antenna configurations in TEXTOR Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings, 15th European Conference on controlled Fusion and Plasma Heating Dubrovnik (CAVTAT), Yugoslavia, 1988.

R. Van Nieuwenhove; G. Van Oost; J M Beuken; L De Keyser; Th. Delvigne; P. Descamps; F. Durodié; M. Gaigneaux; M. Jadoul; R. Koch; D. Lebeau; A. Messiaen; J. Ongena; X M Shen; P. Vandenplas; G. Van Wassenhove; R. R. Weynants

Observations of harmonics and parametric decay instabilities during ICRF heating on TEXTOR Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings, pp. 778-782, 15th European Conference on controlled Fusion and Plasma Heating Dubrovnik (CAVTAT), Yugoslavia, 1988, (Contributed paper P8E133).

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